"A man's name, to him, is the sweetest and most important sound in in any language." |
Dale Carnegie |
![]() This benign manipulation (we apologize!) serves to illustrate a point. In our future with Phrenicea, titles as well as surnames (last names) serve no functional purpose. (Au contraire!) First (given) names survive, but mainly for convenience — used mostly to be extra polite during those rare times when interacting ITF ("in the flesh"). When communicating with someone via a Phrenicea engagement, the mere thought of the person is immediately associated with their "official ID," which is their DNA or genome (particularly their "snips"RealityCheck! or SNPs, alleles or alternate versions of genes, and a subset of epigenetic marks). Phrenicea creates the association when you bring that individual to mind. It could be their facial image, sound of voice, collection of memes or other distinctive characteristic — or anything known about their existence if not yet familiar. What's in a Name?It is not known when humans first began using names. Most likely it is far into our prehistory — sparked by the need to advance beyond grunting to identify more than a handful of individuals. Names were probably the first seeds of what would become structured language.So it's not surprising that the phasing out of names begun in the third decade of the 21st century was quite traumatic to those brought
Making matters worse, they were instigated by the activist Kabalarians and thus were often observed asking themselves: "If I did not have a name, how could I identify myself"? "If I had no name, who would I be"? Men generally had more difficulty than women with a preoccupation with "carrying on the family name." Some cultures had a really difficult transition. The Chinese generation name identified the generation of the bearer, and the names used by some African cultures described the order in which siblings were born. Self-described "acrophonologists," who subscribe to the belief that individualized energy patterns emanate from a name and that letters are symbols for energy, found sudden difficulty propounding their beliefs. Etymology and the history of all types of given names would eventually be lost to antiquity. Lost too, would be the embarassment of forgetting someone's name! We encourage you to learn more about the Phrenicea scenario and to see whether you'll be ready to give up your name by midcentury! Visit Your Future®
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