What is Phrenicea?
Pronounced fren-EEE-shuh, it is a vision of our future — a 21st-century
prophecy predicting the ultimate outcome of the Internet and biotechnology
revolutions. This site is intended to present the Phrenicea® vision of the future
as well as provide a focal point for a lively exchange of ideas...
Take it from me, extinction is forever!
Insects exercising?
You're looking at the first — AND LAST — computer. When the limitations of man-made memory and
circuits were eventually reached, scientists then turned to Nature...
Portrait of a 21st-century addict?
A chromosomal blueprint
that evolved to create a primitive footprint, then a capable handprint and finally dexterous fingerprints —
hopefully will not end up out-of-print...
Which image best denotes instinctive behavior:
The photo of the child riding a bicycle or the illustration of
migrating birds?
Click your selection...
This page is intentionally blank.
Caution: Brains at Work!
The testing and implementation of Phrenicea was anything but smooth...
Imagine having a baby without enduring the discomfort or experiencing
the joy of pregnancy. Men and women individually may "initiate" a "g-twin" — or clone —
a term that becomes pejorative once the possible became commonplace...
No news is good news...
Ironically, the most prestigious jobs in the mid-21st century are
"hands-on" — requiring physical strength, manual dexterity and coordination.
These skills, called "blue-collar" way back in the 20th century, are extremely hard
to find in a virtual world maintained by Phrenicea...
Remember these?
If you do you're showing your age! Vinyl 45-rpm records, played on a stylus-based "record
player," were cool in their day. The same fate awaited a plethora of gadgets that
were also one-time symbols of sophistication...
Don't touch me, I'm sterile!
Gone Fishin' or Fishin' Gone?
Solar electric trains became the premier form of transportation,
with tracks laid upon what were highways for automobiles. All petroleum-powered cars
were banned worldwide in 2040 to help halt global warming. This was a redundant
edict however...
Oh my _ _ _!
Just as the force of gravity — by the accumulation of molecular
mass — is manifested but by itself cannot be seen, heard, touched or
even clearly explained; an unexpected event happened with Phrenicea,
once there was a "critical mass" of human brains assembled into the
first "braincomb" chamber...
World Wide Web? Internet?
What's that?!!!
Imagine being able to recall every moment in your life — down to a
particular second! All of your life's experiences, from the most mundane to
the most extraordinary...
The tradition of marriage will no longer exist and be part of worldwide culture.
Most relationships are facilitated by Phrenicea, which provides the mental link
between partners...
There's a sucker born every minute...
Face-to-face interaction is unnecessary with Phrenicea. This is welcomed
at first due to the difficulty getting around, since planes and automobiles are
banned in 2040.
Engaging Phrenicea becomes addicting since it's effortless. Meetings and conversations
can be accomplished simply by thinking of the person or persons...
Large mega-farms become extinct by 2040.
It is not economic factors but massive global warming and the lack of
transportation that causes their demise. Traditional food
is replaced with one product — Polynutriment, a
custard-like glop made artificially...
Do you have a question or comment about the Phrenicea vision or the future in general?
You're never too young (or old!) to ponder the future! We would be happy
to hear from you. Your comments, ideas, etc. are encouraged. Send us your
email today!
Here's a compendium of critical nuggets we've received and unearthed over the past several years...
Selected by
"These are just a few of the
Phrenicea things that make you go
Featured in
"Phrenicea is a true gem."
Featured in
"Phrenicea puts the Jetsons into orbit."
Featured on
"The viewpoint of this unusual website
is nothing if not confident. It's all a bit
of a stretch, but it's all mostly in fun, as well."
Featured on
Featured in
"Phrenicea is a unique approach
to prophesy, the site is something
to see..."
Voted "two" Cool at
"Sure, it was a Cool Site back in 2002,
but the world has changed enough to
warrant another look at this great site."
Recognized by
"Phrenicea is Family-friendly, Fast to Load,
Original, Creative, Safe for all Web Browsers,
with Valued Content for their targeted audience."
Featured on CD-ROM by
"The Internet Unplugged!"
Website of the Month on
"Enjoy a glance into the future."
Studied at
English-teaching resource at
"Read all sorts of predictions here,
presented in an interesting and fun way."
Studied at
Stimulates thinking at
Studied at
Studied at
Studied at
"As we work to develop our vision
and strategic plan for how we will use
technology in the future..."
Good morning class...
Read the Phrenicea Primer...
Chiropractic as alternative medicine?
No way!!!
By the time Phrenicea becomes integrated into our lives, chiropractic is not only considered
primary care, it's just about the only physical care that's required...
All live pets were banned in 2030 to help alleviate the environmental impact of
biological waste and the consumption of precious natural resources. Artificial pets or "matties" (derived from "automaton") — the
most popular being dogs, cats, and birds — are equivalent to the real thing...
Community =
"Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese...
Pick Me!
Pick Me!!
Pick Me!!!
Acquiring knowledge is hard work.
Imagine never having to memorize or study anything ever again...
Hitchcock's The Birds was more than a scary movie, it was prescient.
We knew that Hitchcock was a cinematic genius. But a futurist?
There isn't any money with Phrenicea. Financial transactions
are accomplished via the engagement of Phrenicea, and
are recorded forever on a man-made 24th-chromosome pair...
What is the future of language?
Will there be only one global language?
There's no crime with Phrenicea. Artificial
genes collectively called "brainerama" manipulate gene expression and produce hormonal parameters and biological switches — in
simplistic terms — that could be set or reset by Phrenicea to control or monitor
an individual's behavior and actions "officially" defined as antisocial, deleterious,
criminal, etc...
Select a title and click "Go!"
People working? No!
They're living at home — concentrated into cubicles without openings...
Artists! Illustrators! Doodlers!
(Students! Professionals! Amateurs!)
Enter the Phrenicea Spring Art Contest!
previous Summer Art Contest! winner!
previous Spring Art Contest winner!
previous Fall Art Contest winner!
Yes, it appears she's sleeping soundly — and she is. But at the same time she's also pursuing her
fifth Ph.D. at "Somnam U"!...
With Phrenicea, basic skills for human interaction suffer and
are manifested with self-conscious and shy behavior. Face-to-face human discourse
taken for granted for centuries became a planned and conscious effort...
Democrat or Republican ?
Looks good?
Forget it! By midcentury industrial farming of beef, poultry, and pork has
been banned due to the massive polluting effects of fecal waste, and
exorbitant transportation costs limit interstate and international
shipping of whatever is produced on a small scale...
Because mid-21st-century world population exceeded projections and reached 11 billion, there is a
worldwide, government-sponsored, life-long monetary incentive for not having children
at all. Phrenicea keeps count of every individual's offspring to enforce a semelparous policy...
The goal of Phrenicea's founders was to create a striking identity...
Classical music of the future?
Don't laugh! Twentieth-century rock'n'roll supplants
traditional classical music as the genre to be revered. The artists elevated to genius status
include Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Jimmy Hendrix...
Questions & Answers...
Space exploration? Naaah!
When social phobia and tedious travel renders visiting even an adjacent town
a major effort, the last thing anyone has on their mind is trekking around in outer
space. Mid-21st-century scientists — finally facing reality — gave up on the notion of space
travel and even contacting extraterrestrial life...
Since every individual's goings about and thought processes are tracked and
permanently stored within the Phrenicea braincomb, there is in effect no privacy. However, this
incredibly was embraced by midcentury since privacy was all but lost anyway...
Interfacing with Phrenicea is commonly referred to as "engaging Phrenicea."
It is a mental hook-up initiated by mere thought. A person is identified
immediately by Phrenicea, not with quaint Id's or passwords, but with the
individual's own DNA, or genome...
You've got mail SPAM?
No more! There will not be a need for text-based communication.
Keyboards are extinct! Phrenicea provides the ability to communicate by mere thought...
Site Map...
Note that in the future,
our world with Phrenicea will provide a word's meaning and usage
instantly as if part of the brain's long-term memory! But
until that time comes...
Stuck on a word?
Click to Merriam-Webster Online!
Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary